Inspire Inclusion
Inclusivity looks like ALL people feeling valued, welcomed, respected, empowered, represented, and heard.
It looks like embracing ALL people, giving equal access and opportunities and completely removing any discrimination and intolerance.
It looks like our migrant and refugee women feeling seen, safe and supported, being enabled to pursue the dreams of their heart and being given equal rights.
1 in 6 recent migrants to Australia are paid less than the minimum wage.
59% of migrant workers report feeling unsafe at work, experiencing discrimination, bullying and verbal abuse.
We have heard countless stories of migrant and refugee women in our communities being exploited, taken advantage of and discriminated against.
It needs to stop!
Our Mentor Programs actively fight against this, creating an environment that is inclusive, warm and welcoming.
Last year we fostered 570 connection points with refugee women through our mentor programs and so many of them have reported feeling connected and empowered.
100% profits of our Dream Free Tee go towards this year's mentor programs, supporting our migrant and refugee community with a safe space, mentoring, advocacy, community and employment pathways!
Together, we can inspire inclusivity!