There are so many ways to make a difference simply by using what's in your hands.
Human trafficking and slavery can feel like such overwhelming issues that it's easy to switch off and think "there's nothing I can do." At Be Hers, we believe that everyone can do something. We aim to empower everyday women and men to help those who have had their freedom stolen.
Whilst many of us may not have the capacity to be on the ground rescuing victims of exploitation, we CAN make a difference in our local communities. No matter your skill, you can be involved and be part of Be Hers. There are so many opportunities such as assisting in running events, marketing, photography, admin, technology support, writing and planning.
"Giving your time and skills for a purpose that may be bigger than yourself allows you to look outside of whatever you may be facing personally… and it can often give you inspiration or the strength to carry on.
Freedom isn’t free. In Australia we are blessed with freedom because of the selfless actions of many brave men and women who went before us. Their choices and ultimate sacrifice secured the freedom we have today. Today I will choose to use my freedom to continue to fight for the freedom of others.
Volunteering with Be Hers allowed me to connect and engage with a wide range of people from all walks of life - from busy executives, to stay at home mums, entrepreneurs and even some amazing and courageous refugees. We all had something special that united us – a passion for our purpose. The support, friendships and memories created from working at these events are something I will treasure."
If you would like to become a Be Hers volunteer, click the button below to complete our survey.